This past May we purchased the Breville Smart Oven Air – it is an incredible kitchen appliance. It’s a toaster oven on steroids! Seriously this appliance bakes, broils, roasts, reheats, works as a slow cooker, toaster, has a pizza setting, is an air fryer and a dehydrator! It almost sounds too good to be true but in this case it is all true. My friend Shayda was here one weekend and we played with the Breville and she went home and bought one. Then she asked me to make a video showing how to use it and being the people pleaser that I am of course I made a video. You can purchase the Breville Smart OVEN Air at Bed Bath & Beyond – they will accept the 20% off store coupon. It’s also available at Williams Sonoma and if you open up a credit card you get a discount. It’s also on Amazon Prime with free shipping! This is an affiliate link and by using it you help support this site.
I hope you enjoy the You-Tube video. I plan on making more videos in the future as I discover how to make even more delicious food in the Breville!
Just look at all the yummy plant foods you can make oil free in the air fryer.
This cutting board fits on top of the Breville and allows you to use the extra space. The jelly roll pan fits perfectly inside for oven roasting and baking! When you use my Amazon Affiliate links for your purchases you support my work here without any extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.
This dinner was made in about 25 minutes! It doesn’t need any seasoning and was all made without oil. We use the mats shown below to line the air fryer trays because they make clean up so much easier! Just cut them to fit and when they get dirty wash them in warm soapy water. Easy – peasy!
I hope you enjoy the video.
Be sure to check out our Amazon Affiliate Page where we share many of our favorite small kitchen appliances, kitchen tools, food products, books and fun things for the grandchildren! Nutmeg Notebook is a participant in the Amazon Affiliates program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.
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We are also Holland Bowl Mill Affiliates. The 15 inch Holland Bowl Mill Cherry fruit bowl has a permanent home on our kitchen island. It’s beautiful and useful. The heart shaped bowl makes me happy – I love everything heart shaped! We use our 15 inch Beechwood & cherry bowl (his and her’s) to chop our salads everyday. Eating a salad for one meal every day helped me lose weight and become a size 4. I still eat a salad for one meal a day but now it’s a Big Beautiful Chopped salad and it helps me stay a size 4! See the Chopped Salad Blog Post to find out how you can incorporate a chopped salad into your daily food plan and how you can get a free mezzaluna knife with your Holland Bowl salad bowl order when you use our Holland Bowl affiliate link as well as free engraving and free shipping.
Thank you for this video as I have purchased the Breville Smart Oven and am enjoying it immensely. Can you tell me how long you air fried the brussel sprouts–seems like 40 minutes, or so?
Hi Carol,
Congrats on getting the Breville! How long it takes to air fry the Brussels Sprouts depends on how big they are. Start with 20 minutes and check them – remove when they are the desired amount of brown you like.They are so good that way!
Happy Cooking,
Trying to learn how to navigate your website and blog. I am not computer literate I have several questions. My biggest concern is with the bottom heating elements being dripped on. Also, can you air fry the falafels or are they best stovetop fried? I need to read all your info, but do not know if they are each a class that must be paid for?
Hi Verna,
I don’t cook things in the air fryer that would have a lot of liquid or that would drip. I don’t use oil so that isn’t an issue for me as well. I haven’t tried to air fry the falafel patties – I think it might dry them out too much but you can always try it with one of two patties and see what happens. I am not teaching any classes at this present time because of covid. So all of the YouTube Videos and the blog posts and recipes here are for free! Browse around and try some new recipes.
Happy Cooking,
You mention pre-cooking your potatoes before air frying them. How do you pre-cook them, both for white and sweet potatoes?
I bake the potatoes in a preheated 400 degree oven for an hour for regular sweet potatoes and Yukon gold potatoes. Japanese Sweet Potatoes and Hannah takes take 1 hour and 20 minutes – more or less depending on the size. Then chill them in the fridge before cutting them. Works great!
Do you wrap them in foil when roasting whole potatoes?
Tami…how do you handle the dripping/mess from cooking anything in the Breville Air Fryer….heard it just goes straight down to the heating elements in the bottom…do you put a tray above the heating elements? If you put a tray under the air fryer basket doesn’t that inhibit the air flow? trying to figure out if I need one of these ovens but this is hindering me! lol
I try not to air fry things that are going to end up being too messy or drippy. Some people do use a tray under the air fryer basket – I would think that would disrupt the air flow but they say it still works. Things like asparagus, corn on the cob and potatoes really don’t make much mess. The tray in the bottom of the Breville slides out and cleans up pretty easy. We use the mesh liners on the trays to make clean up easier and that works well too. We have had out Breville for two years now and we love it! We use it every day – it’s one of the best additions to our kitchen ever!
Thank you Tami for this video and all you explained in the comments too! I’m debating getting an air fryer, and I remembered that you have recipes that I can look at by cooking method. (that’s genius by the way!) so I checked your site. Here’s what’s great about your video that I didn’t expect: You let us hear how loud it is as the video runs — you stand next to it and talk.That’s great as a real time review! I kept reading these appliances are super loud, but no, this one is not too loud. I would never have known that without this video. Also, I saw you opened the door and removed food without having to turn it off in between like a microwave. I thought you’d have to bring it back up to temperature, very happy to see that’s not needed. I couldn’t tell if the asparagus and mushrooms come out as if it was steamed or fried because there is no visible crisping. I’m going to assume they have some crisp regardless if visible. I’m also super glad to see you run it with the cutting board on top. Best of all you also noted that you’ve had this for 2 years with no issues. I’m going to spring for the Breville. Great video Tami, thank you so much. Great video Tami, thank you so much for taking the time to make it so thorough. It’s just what I needed to help me decide.
Hi Sarah, You will love the Breville – it is amazing. We recently made a new video all about air fryers did you watch that one?
Here is a link to the newest Breville video
We are delighted to know that you find our videos and blog posts to be helpful. That kind of feedback keeps us doing what we are doing so thank you very much for taking the time to write to us.
Happy Cooking,
Ms. Tami Kramer,
Why do you not use parcel paper?
I just bought a new oven with an air fry feature and had no idea you could air fry vegetables. I can’t wait to try it out now
Just received my Breville last week and I’ve been using it every day. How did I live without it? Do you roast your potatoes in the Breville before you cool them and air fry them? I don’t have a regular oven so I cooked them in the instant pot before cooling and then airfrying. I did Yukon golds and Japanese sweet potatoes. I’ve roasted beets with onion and fresh picked cherry tomatoes. All very yummy!
Hi Janet,
Congratulations on getting a Breville Smart Oven Air! You can bake your potatoes in the Breville just fine. I usually bake mine in my larger oven because I bake so many at one
time they won’t all fit in the Breville. I bake them at 400 degrees for 1 hour for regular potatoes and regular sweet potatoes. Hannah Yams and Japanese Sweet Potatoes I bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour 15 minutes. Then refrigerate in an open container. I prefer them baked but many people like them cooked in the Instant Pot. It is really just personal preference so go with the results you prefer – there is no right or wrong way to do it.
Enjoy your Breville and happy cooking!