Even though we have been busy with household chores helping our daughter and her hubby fix up the house they bought we did manage a trip to Costco and Sam’s Club this past week. You never know what you are going to find at these stores. The stock changes all the time and if you see something you “think” you want it’s best to go ahead and get it right then. If you wait and go back they might be sold out and if it was a seasonal item you’ll have to wait another year to see if they carry it again!
Sam’s Club is starting to offer more and more organic food options like this Seeds of Change Quinoa & Brown Rice ready to heat and serve packets. They are quite tasty and so convenient when you need a grain in a hurry.
It’s perfect for this quick and easy Mexican Quinoa Brown Rice & Beans recipe. This Seeds of Change product is also sold at Costco and I keep it on hand for when I don’t have time or perhaps the desire to cook it from scratch. Yes even food bloggers have nights when they don’t feel like cooking!
If you like quinoa and eat it as much as we do then you will find this to be a real savings! This was another new product at Sam’s Club. It’s also sold at Costco. It adds a nice texture and ups the protein in chili, soups and sauces. There are so many wonderful quinoa salads you can use this in.
Whole Foods sells a salad like this that I love so I had to come up with a version of my own for
I need to make this one again soon as it’s a family favorite Quinoa Bean Salad.
If you need something to warm you up try this African Quiona Peanut Stew a great company dish!
Brown Basmati Rice has a wonderful flavor and now you can get it at Sam’s Club. When I buy these large bags of brown rice I store them in the freezer to keep them from getting rancid.
Use Brown Basmati Rice in this recipe for my Fiesta Rice it’s so flavorful.
What a nice surprise to find Muir Glen Organic Tomatoes at Sam’s Club.
With chili, stew and soup season upon us canned tomatoes come in so handy and I find myself using them often.
Like in this amazing Vegan Black Bean & Soy Chorizo Chili recipe. I have served this to many non/vegan/non plant eaters who have also enjoyed it. No need to tell them it’s meatless!
Way to go Sam’s Club on all the awesome organic products. Now if they would start selling more organic produce I would be even happier! I shop at both Sam’s and Costco and I like both stores. Costco does offer a lot more organic produce and organic shelf stable items but Sam’s Club is adding more all the time. Not pictured but also seen where organic chia seeds! Lucky for me I live close to both big box stores. When in a hurry I run over to Sam’s Club as the lines are always shorter than at Costco.
Nutmeg Notebook
Yesterday was moving day for daughter Katy and her hubby. We started early in the morning loading the moving truck and with many helpers we had everything unloaded shortly after lunch. By late afternoon we had the bed made, clothes put away and hung up in the closet, found the ironing board, iron, distilled water and the spray starch so they can iron clothes for church this morning and got the kitchen all unpacked and put away! Of course there is still plenty of organizing and putting away to be done but at least the house is functional. We have some painting touch ups to do and some small repairs still on our list but over all the house is looking fantastic!
It feels pretty quiet this morning without Katy and Esau here to join us for morning tea and coffee. I expect we shall see them later today as they still have laundry here to pick up. We are so happy that they are only a 10 minute drive away and 15-20 minutes by bicycle and I expect that we will get to see them often.
Happy Healthy Eating!
Do you shop at Costco or Sam’s Club?
Do you have any new food finds to share?
We shop at Costco every few weeks and alternate between the one closest to our house and the one near our son’s school. The one by our son’s school has a much better selection of organic products, including almond flour, coconut flour, and Qia cereal.
The Seeds of Change packets are very convenient to have around!
I can imagine that you are missing your daughter and son-in-law after having them live with you and helping them so much with their house! Glad they are nearby.
It’s interesting how different Costco stores have different stock. The one closest to me has the most organic produce and shelf stable items. There is one in Sacramento I like to stop in when we get nearby because it carries products I ve never seen at my local store.
We are so lucky here in Ca to have so much organic food available all year long!
I never thought to store rice in the freezer – great idea Tami! We belong to Sam’s Club – I get my membership free through the law firm I work at – best deal on eggs and baby spinach! 😀
It’s hard to beat the big box store prices Biz!
Nice recipes! I also use those tomatoes often for a healthy dish. Sam’s Club is definitely the place to go.
I’m all for healthy/organic foods. I’m curious to know where else you get yours. I also think and your husband might be interested in healthy restaurants on Smashon. Have you heard of it?