We had an adventurous weekend that included a 12 mile round trip hike to see Lake Sylvia in Northern CA. We packed our backpacks on Friday night so we could leave early on Saturday. Natural peanut butter and low sugar strawberry jam on whole grain bread were perfect for backpacking on a warm summer day. Our son David was in charge of this hike as he had been on it before and was excited to share it with us.
It started out looking pretty easy.
My fellow hikers, hubby Tom and son David.
As soon as we hit the Desolation Wilderness the landscape changed. This rugged rock trail was not easy on the feet. We had to watch every step we took and it slowed us down. At this point we pulled out our walking poles for stability!
We crossed paths with this dog who was also back packing! His owners had spent the night at the lake and they were hiking back out. They told us he was carrying out some of their extra stuff as he had packed in his own food but had eaten it all. Lucky for him he doesn’t have to pack in water – he can drink out of the streams.
Once in a while we had to leave the trail to explore the streams.
Sometimes the water came to us and we had to play a little rock hopping to continue on the trail.
This was our view as we ate our lunch. The water on Lake Sylvia was like glass. It was so peaceful.
After lunch we had to perform a little boulder hopping in order to get to the other side of the lake. Last month our son and his friends climbed up that steep hill in the background that is all boulders so they could reach the summit of near by Pyramid Peak. Youth!
It was a 12 mile round trip hike, not the longest hike we have gone on but it sure was a tiring one! We left our home at 7:00 am and didn’t get back until 9:00 pm. All the rocks and boulders were tough on the feet. My post surgery foot is still recovering from it!
To keep comfortable in the heat of the day we used these Perfect Cooling Towels that daughter Katy and her husband Esau gave hubby Tom. You get them wet and hang or tie them around your neck and they keep you cool for hours. They offer UPF 45 protection, wick away moisture and are machine washable. Costco sells a double pack of them. We also saw them for sale at the CA State Fair. When the cloth starts to get dry you just get it wet again and the cooling keeps going. You could use these for working in the yard, the gym, bike riding or any outdoor activity.ย These cooling towels really work!
Nutmeg Notes
I asked if you use the nutritional information and or the Weight Watchers Points Plus information and you answered.
Thank you to everyone who emailed, commented on Facebook or left me a comment here about the nutritional information.
It seems that you do find it helpful so I will be continuing to provide the information!
Happy Trails!
Thanks for being here. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.
Have you seen the Perfect Cooling Towel?
I love hiking to Lake Sylvia. We would pack in for a few days, then hike all over. Yes I even did the peak. It is so beautiful there. Thanks for the great pictures and the good memories.
Eileen I am impressed that you did the peak! It was a fun day. We saw quite a few groups camping over night. They have some areas marked off with signs asking you to stay out so that nature can recover from being trampled so that really cuts back on camping sites. Hikers told us you have to get there early on Friday to get a camp site.
so so so relaxing looking…
It was relaxing!
I’m envious you have places like that near you. I have come to realize I quite enjoy hiking.
We Re so fortunate to live where we do and have access to so many outdoor activities.
That scenery is absolutely gorgeous! I am impressed how far you are able to go after your foot surgery.
I’ll have to find those towels – when I do the stairmaster I am dripping sweat almost from the get go – I think those would help!
I think you would benefit from these towels Biz! I’ve seen your after work out photos!
So jealous you live near places like this! I love to hike, but alas, there is nothing worth hiking for miles around where I live.
And seeing you mention Costco reminds me….we are finally getting one this fall!! I am beyond excited!!!
We do live in an amazing area and are so close to many different outdoor adventures be it the foothills, mountains or the ocean. Even here in our city limits we have nature/bike paths and green belt areas set aside because our city leaders feel it’s important to our quality of life. I couldn’t agree more.
How exciting that you are getting a Costco! I do enjoy shopping there and the abundance of healthy food choices has been increasing in the past year. Don’t get me wrong, they sell plenty of processed convenient items that equal junk food. More recently they have started carrying a lot of organic produce at really good prices. Small appliances, clothes, office supplies, jewelry, books, wine, seasonal items – it’s so much fun to go there and look around.
May I ask where you live Beverly? You might have told me before but I have forgotten. ๐
Tami – I live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We have a Sam’s Club, which is where I get all of my produce/fruits/meats, etc. now, but I am so eager for them to have a little competition. Plus, I get jealous of all the great finds you post about that come from Costco. I can’t wait to check them out!
Oh yes, now I remember you told me before that you live in S.D.! I do shop at both Sam’s and Costco – they carry some of the same products but they each have things that are unique to their own store. I hope you like Costco as much as I do. ๐
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!!!!!! Keep a watch on that foot! ๐
Thx for the cooling towel tip! Will check our Costco! Great for the hormone stuff too! ๐
Jody you are so right the towels are perfect for our hot flashes!!! We were shocked at how well they work. I’m pretty sure they are a seasonal item for Costco but they might also be at places like Target, Walmart and Sporting Goods stores.
What a beautiful hike! We keep meaning to go on some hikes, but we enjoy biking too much LOL!
You have so many different good biking routes to go on it’s no wonder you are always biking. I actually seem to like hiking a bit more than biking. Maybe it’s because we are off the beaten path when we hike and I do prefer that over riding our bikes where there is traffic or so many other people!
Beautiful. I LOVE the scenery, but know I’d have probably twisted my ankle on those boulders!!!! 12 miles is a long way to just walk on a nice smooth path–you’re amazing.
Ha ha! Janine I don’t know about amazing – but it was fun!
what gorgeous scenery! Love the beautiful pics! I bought a version of this towel for my son for when he plays la crosse. He hasn’t gotten a chance to use it, because there weren’t any HOT days this season! I think I got it a Dick’s..but I also saw it at Pro Bass shops too!
It’s def extra work to supply the nutritional stats…but I think valuable.
What a wonderful thing for your family to do!!
If I ever move to California, it will be in the northern part!
PS Google search says Lake Sylvia is in Washington state, with the same photo you used??
That is so strange Dr J! I can guarantee you that the one I hiked to is in CA! http://tedmuller.us/Outdoor/Hiking/2007/070618-LakeSylviaLyonsCreek.htm http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=1797683 http://www.thecaliforniahikingpage.com/desolation/sylvia/sylvia.html I don’t know what’s up with google search!
Wow…GORGEOUS photos Tami! What a beautiful place to hike. I “awww’d” at the backpacking dog. Hope all is well in your world this week!
What a beautiful hike!
I hadn’t heard of the cooling towels. They sound very “cool!” ๐
The cooling towels really work and are a welcome treat out on a hot trail!