My approach was to cut the apple in half, use a melon ball tool to remove the core, slice each half into rounds and then slice each round into sticks. Or shred the apple using the shredding plate of your food processor. Since I was going to all the trouble of slicing and dicing the…
Side Dishes
How to Saute Vegetables Oil Free
I love, love, love vegetables! There aren’t too many of them that I don’t like so I have a never ending variety to choose from. Fresh, frozen, steamed, oven roasted or sauteed in a pan – I like them all. Maybe that’s why a plant based diet was so easy to transition to. At first…
Make Your Own Crispy Tortilla Bowls with No Oil!
We have all seen the deep fried crispy tortilla bowls that are served up in restaurants and some of us have even indulged in them! They do make for a festive presentation but who wants all that extra fat and calories? There is a super easy way to make crispy tortilla bowls at home in…
Chipotle Baked Beans – Slow Cooker
I had this recipe for slow cooker baked beans in my stack of ” recipes to try” for quite some time and I finally got around to trying it. The results were amazing! You won’t believe what liquid is used to cook these beans in…. But first I have to share my new kitchen toy! Remember a…
Faux Parmesan
A nice little topping for lasagna, pasta dishes, soups and veggies. You can leave it chunky or make it as fine as you like. Faux Parmesan 1 cup raw almonds or cashews or walnuts* ½ cup nutritional yeast 1 tablespoon salt-free seasoning – Table Tasty, Mrs Dash Garlic & Herbs, Costco Salt Free Seasoning or…
Maple Glazed Brussels Sprouts
The chopped walnuts are optional but I really enjoyed the the crunch as well as the flavor they added. You don’t need much just a little sprinkle will do. In her cookbook Chef AJ says, “Even people who say they don’t normally like Brussels sprouts will enjoy this dish”. It’s absolutely a company worthy dish. The…
Fiesta Rice
If you don’t like corn – leave it out – if you love corn why not double it – don’t have black beans use kidney or pinto. If you like a little heat add some diced jalapeno, don’t have rice no problem- use quinoa. Sometimes I add salsa or chopped tomatoes – just depends on…
California Quinoa Mango Salad
Last week I had one of the best summer salads ever – okay so I know I say that about a lot of great recipes – but this one was really amazing. It was the Health Starts Here California Quinoa salad from Whole Foods deli. The HSH deli items at Whole Foods have no added…
Oven Baked Plantains with Coconut Dipping Sauce
These plantains are moist inside and caramelized on the outside. So yummy! Plantains look a lot like bananas. They can be found at Mexican markets, Whole Foods and some grocery stores. The ones I buy have stickers on them that tell what stage of ripeness they are in. You want to buy plantains that are…
Caribbean Rice
The rice is a simple mixture of mango, cilantro, bell peppers, brown rice, lime juice and green onions. Serve it warm, room temperature or chilled. Feel free to sub pineapple for mango, use any colored pepper you have. Delicious served with Cuban Black Beans and Oven Baked Plantains with Coconut Dipping Sauce. Caribbean Rice 3…