Since I said this was my Christmas gift to all of you and I’m wrapping gifts this week I had better “wrap” this one up as well! Thank you to everyone who left comments for Al on part one. He is reading them and responding and he is bit surprised at everyone’s reaction. So many people have written to tell me that they are sharing Al’s story with loved ones and friends who are suffering themselves with heart disease or diabetes. It was my hope that Al’s story would be one of hope and encouragement for people of all ages to take their health and their diet seriously. We need to let people know that a whole food plant based diet is like medicine for our ailing bodies. Please continue to share Al’s story and save lives!
The photo on the left was taken when Al was on the trip to Paris that he talked about in Part One. He was feeling quite ill and having a difficult time with all the walking. The photo on the right was taken by me the night in November that I met Al and we became fast friends!
Part Two brought to you by Al – (with a little editing by me).
So what is this “WFPB” whole food plant based diet for reversing heart disease?
- You may not eat anything with a mother or a face (no meat, poultry, or fish).
- You cannot eat dairy products or eggs
- You must not consume oil of any kind—not a drop.
- You cannot eat nuts or avocados if you are a cardiac patient trying to reverse heart disease
- No Sugar
- Low Fat – The fat content should be kept around 9 to 11 Percent.
- Avoid processed food.
“I love the food I eat.”
After 3 or 4 weeks you get over fat and you start to appreciate subtle and savory flavors. I enjoy the food and do not feel deprived. I eat as much as I want and enjoy every meal. I love the food I eat.
I was now able to travel and I flew back to Milwaukee to visit my grandniece who’s wedding I missed. Then I went to the Nevada desert for a week in my trailer. We were near Tonopah NV which is at 6,000 ft. I had no problems!
McDougall’s 10 Day Live In Whole Food Plant Based Program
In August I went to Dr. McDougalls 10 day live in whole food plant based program located in Santa Rosa California. The McDougall Program is all about giving you control over your health. Most participants are able to stop all unnecessary medications, avoid surgery, improve their appearance and regain lost fitness. Sick people see doctors, healthy people don’t. Our goal is to make you healthy.
There were 55 attendees. 5 were from England, 3 from Australia, 2 from south Africa, and one from India. There were people that had high blood pressure and Diabetes, three that has MS. The gal that sat next to me had very serious kidney problems. She had placed her name on the transplant list. My Kidney story piqued her interest, and gave her hope. The first day they drew blood and weighed us. They did that halfway through, and then again at the end. We were housed at a very nice resort and spa in Santa Rosa. All meals were provided and we could eat as much as we desired. The first half I grossly overate. I tried to sample everything and at the second weigh in I had gained 2 pounds. I cut back to my normal portion size and at the last weigh in I had returned to my 150 lbs.
“Her second blood test showed her kidneys had improved.”
The last day was very emotional. The gal in the room next to me was skipping down the hallway. She was overweight with bad knees and she was so happy that this was the first time in years that she could walk, much less skip with out pain. The gal who sat next to me, told me that her second blood test showed her kidneys had improved. She did not share how much, but just that they did. Dr. McDougall announced that one of the participants had Type 1 Diabetes, which is not curable. When the (unnamed) person came to he program they were taking 100 units of Insulin. By the end of the 10 days they were only taking 30 units of Insulin. Most of the Type 2 Diabetics were off their meds, as well as those with hypertension.
Even though I had already been on the diet for 13 months, it was still well worth the experience. We sat in various classes. We had several Whole Food Plant Based Chefs give demos and recipes. We had a Dietitian present over three hours on how and why we became fat and unhealthy. Then we had a Behavioral Psychologist spend another three hours explaining why it is so hard to go on the WFPBD, and gave us several strategies to stay on the diet. Our classes were about an hour long and Dr. McDougall gave several hours of presentations. All in all it was truly life changing and well worth the price. I could not more strongly recommend it.
“If I needed a reminder (which I didn’t) to stay on the diet, here were two.”
Right after I got back from McDougall’s program I noticed something different about my left ankle and foot. They were NORMAL. In 1985 when I had bypass surgery they had striped a vein from my left leg. After a while my left ankle and foot began to swell, and in my 70’s it was very noticeable. It was just something I put up with. This was the second improvement that I had noticed on my body. About 4 months earlier I noticed that my Livedo Reticulitis on both ankles go away. That’s were the blood in my ankles just pools and does not return. I takes on a dark blueish tint. Looks like a bruise, except it does not go away. I had symptoms of Liveo Reticulitis for over 3 years! While not painful or noticeable, as long as I wore socks, it was a constant reminder of old age. If I needed a reminder (which I didn’t) to stay on the diet, here were two.
“I thought we would not see any fat people on a Vegan Cruise. Boy were we wrong.”
Then in September 2017 my wife Dottie and I went on the First Ever All Vegan Ocean Cruise. The first night over a couple glasses of wine, I shared my story to entertain the dinner table. One of the table mates mentioned that she wished her brother could have heard me. He was in bad shape with heart problems. She asked me for contact information, and sure enough I received an email from him in November 2017. I sent him a version of this document.
A few words about the Cruise. Before we boarded, I mentioned to my wife that I thought we would not see any fat people on a Vegan Cruise. Boy were we wrong. Then on the cruise I found out why. They use oil on everything. The big item in the gift shop was all the different flavored Olive Oil. My wife and I went to a cooking class and the chef had 4 different flavored Olive Oil bottles on the table. At this point I got up and walked out. In my never to be humble opinion Vegans do not eat healthy. They sure did not on this cruise. In case you haven’t figured it out, oil (or rather fat) is your enemy.
“For me the biggest benefit of this diet is my sense of well being.”
I met some of the most interesting people on the cruise. An orthodontist who for long time had been having kidney stones every couple of years. They were extremely painful, so he tried Whole Food Plant Based Diet. Since then he lost 30 pounds, Cholesterol came down and he has had no kidney stones.
We had lunch with a fellow who was a very successful engineer. When he was 35 his brother died from Diabetes. His father had died young from Diabetes. So he did some research and decided that the way to go was on a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. He was so impressed with the results that he gave up his flourishing engineer career and earned a degree as a dietitian. He is now writing a book as means to spread the benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.
Then there was a Texas woman who had breast cancer. Had her breasts removed, but she was concerned that even after the operation, she knew that there were rogue cancer cells lurking somewhere in her body. So she also started on a Whole Food Plant Based Diet as a preventive measure. She and I hit it off, because we both started our diets at the same time, and because we were in about the same place in our journey.
For me this biggest benefit of this diet is my sense of well being. I know I’m still 81 with all the creaks and groans of this old body, but now when ever I get an ache or sharp pain for no apparent reason, I don’t just automatically assume that it’s fatal. And by the way I have considerably less aches and pains.
“It is not how long I live, it is how well I live.”
The biggest downside is social. Every social event revolves around food, and for the most that is food that I can not eat. So you have to improvise and be creative. I am the perfect dinner guest, I bring my own food, and I always enjoy the meal. Did I mention I love the food I eat?
Another problem is that I have become super conscientious. As I said before, I made such an incredible reversal of my symptoms, that I was fearful that it could change back for the worse just as quick. Was it easy? No. But it is becoming easier as time goes on. Was it rewarding? Yes! Was it worth it? Absolutely. It is not how long I live, it is how well I live.
Al is taking an interest in cooking whole food plant based meals. He even made a delicious no oil dressing for the salad in his Vitamix. You are never too old to learn something new! Dottie is adorable, smart and witty. She is learning how to cook no oil, plant based food for Al. She is a fabulous cook so it’s no wonder Al is loving the food he eats!
In 1985 Dr Caldwell Esselstyn started a study using this diet because “three-quarters of the humans on this planet had no heart disease, a fact strongly associated with diet.” He started with 23 patients who were cardiac cripples, like me. Six dropped out, and of the remaining 18 there was only one coronary event in the following 11 years. That was from a patient who had strayed from the diet for two years and experienced angina. Twenty years later all of the 18 patients were still alive.
According to CNN, this is the diet that President Clinton used after talking with Dr Esselstyn and Dr Dean Ornish. He said that he had researched this diet and it worked to reverse coronary artery disease 82% of the time. In my case it was 100%.
In 1990 Dr. Dean Ornish published study titled Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? in the LANCET. Let me read you the last two sentences from the Abstract.
Overall, 82% of experimental-group patients had an average change towards regression. Comprehensive lifestyle changes may be able to bring about regression of even severe coronary atherosclerosis after only 1 year, without use of lipid-lowering drugs.
Dr John McDougall has published 10 books on Diet and Nutrition. Started his practice in the big island of Hawaii. His patients were immigrants from China and the Philippines. He had three generations. The first generation ate the traditional Asian diet of rice and vegetables were trim, fit and not not affected by chronic diseases. The second and third generation had fully adopted to the standard American diet suffered from obesity, diabetes and a whole host of chronic diseases. This started his interest in a whole food plant based lifestyle.
Dr Michael Greger author of How Not to Die, publishes short 2-3 minute informative videos daily where he shows the results of published studies on various subjects, such as smoothies and “Which are better: Flax seeds or Chia seeds. They are brief and well researched. His website is
“It was the hardest thing that I have done in my life.”
There are several other research MDs who have come to embrace the Plant Based Diet. I suggest you just google Whole Food Plant Based Diet and surf the internet. Just remember GIGO – (garbage in, garbage out).
So that is my story. Right after I first got on the diet and had my fantastic results I went to Amazon and ordered a dozen of each of the books and gave them to friends and family. Well almost all of them just sat on bookshelves and gathered dust. I mentioned that to a nurse once and she reminded me of an old saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. After about a year and a half, I have decided that my experience won’t be meaningful to someone unless they are ready to listen. While the benefits are wonderful, it was the hardest thing that I have done in my life. BUT I DID IT!!
The following is an epiphany Al had after we enjoyed lunch together with a group of friends and he emailed me his thoughts.
Wednesday I had a small epiphany. I had a wonderful lunch with some of my new WFPBD friends. (And you know who you are.) I left the lunch in an almost euphoric high. I didn’t quite understand why I felt so good, but I did, and every time I was around any of my new WFPBD friends I always felt great. That evening Dottie and I watched two episodes of Poldark, a Masterpiece series set in the late 1700s in Cornwall England. In the episode we watched a young doctor had returned home to his new bride after spending a couple of years in a horrible French prison, caring for other prisoners. He could not adjust to being home with his wonderful bride, and wanted to return to the navy. In an idyllic situation he was miserable, and his bride did not understand. Then a fellow released prisoner comes over and they spend the day talking, and we, the viewers, came to understand that he needed someone to talk to that understood what he had gone through. His unhappiness was a result of his feeling isolated. No one around him could begin to understand what he had gone through.
“The watching with almost disbelief, my body healing itself.”
The next morning I get up and listen to a talk show in the shower, as I do every morning. The radio show was running a campaign to raise money for Warrior Foundation – Freedom Station. This was a charity to support our wounded vets. They had a segment on how important it was for these vets to play and talk with other wounded vets. Because they felt that no one else could understand what they had gone through. That’s when it hit me. All of my old friends, had no idea of what I have been through. I knew that they had not known or seen how disabled I was. But that was not what bothered me. It was my decision, the journey, the experience, the dedication of going on, staying on, and benefiting from the WFPBD. The hours, days, and weeks of learning what, when and how to eat. The watching with almost disbelief my body healing itself. They had no knowledge, or understanding of any of this. They did not know or understand how close to death I came. Of course my “new” friends do not know that either, but they do understand how difficult it is to go on a WFPBD. What it takes to make the commitment to change your lifestyle, and to follow through for months and years. Just being with you and my other “new” friends is very affirming.
So thank you for lunch and lets do it again.
“All of my old friends think that I have gone off the deep end.”
Excerpts from another email.
I have been on the Whole Food Plant Based Diet since July 2016 and it has been a wonderful and unbelievable healthy experience EXCEPT for one small area. All of my old friends think that I have gone off the deep end. What they don’t understand is that if I had not chosen this lifestyle, I WOULD have gone off the deep end, if you catch my drift.
Just recently I attended a presentation by Rubin Guzman. Rubin made the point that if you examine your five closest friends, the probability is very high that you will be like them and have similar traits. Well that was fine pre – WFPBD, but now, not so much. I set out to meet new people and change my friends by joining several MeetUps groups for whole food plant based eaters. I have attempted to find the most interesting people that I could and you are on that list. I’m sure you are not surprised.
I have lived for 82 years (his 82nd birthday is next week). I have done some stuff I am not proud of, as well as some that I am very proud of. Staying alive comes to mind. But more than that I have observed the human condition for most of those years. I have a fair – formal education, but I have continued that education in life experience, and it is, my never to be humble opinion, that I have some knowledge to share that would be of value to others. I used to tell my youngest daughter, when she became an adult, that as a parent it was my job to give her advice, and as an adult daughter, it was her job to pick out what was relevant and valuable to her, and ignore the rest.
So that’s how this is going to work. I am going to put my musings on paper (virtual that is), and you are going to decide what is worthwhile (or interesting) for you and ignore the rest.
Additionally I am going to steal shameless from my WFPBD buddies. I mean I can not think of everything my self. I will try to give you proper attribution, but if I don’t, fell free to respond with the appropriate outrage.
“Everyone that is on a WFPBD is a hero!”
Here is today’s lesson. Again during lunch with WFPBD (whole food plant based diet) buddy Dixie we were discussing my history. I am some what uncomfortable with being an inspiration. And yet I am very proud of what I have done. She called me a hero, and then went on to say she was a HERO, and in fact every one that is on a WFPBD are all heroes.
All of us that have made the decision to change our lifestyles and go on the WFPBD are heroes. What a great concept! It is somewhat of a misnomer to call it a diet, it is a little more than a lifestyle, it is a way of life. It is not easy, it takes dedication, it takes willpower, it requires support and understanding, which sometimes are sorely lacking, but it is ever so rewarding.
So embrace your inner HERO. You are one, I am one, we are all heroes. When you run across the situation where some one attempts to belittle you for your food choices, remember you are a HERO! If you have trouble ordering something in a restaurant, or finding something in the market, don’t consider it a problem, think of it as another notch on your super hero utility belt. Attitude is everything!
Pictured here from left to right, myself, Dixie, Lorna, Barry and Al. We meet every Wednesday at a local park and walk on the trails for two hours. We chat, we laugh, we solve all kinds of issues and the time flies by! Having a group of like minded friends is a blessing when you choose to eat outside of the social norm. When Al was 80 he couldn’t walk up and down his stairs, couldn’t take the trash out to the curb without being winded and was afraid he wouldn’t live to his 81st birthday. Yet on this day he came and effortlessly waked for 2 hours with us. He put his own Christmas lights and decorations up on his house. He takes the trash out to the curb. He removed the stair lifts in his house because now he can go up the stairs taking them two at a time! He has a busy social calendar – so much so that he often double books himself!
Al has decided that he needs to create a new social group to support his way of eating. So he joined some local vegan and whole food plant based Meet Up groups and he is actively making new friends. I am delighted to be one of Al’s new friends. He teaches me something new every time we chat or exchange emails. I am taking his wisdom to heart and applying it to my own life. We will be helping him celebrate his 82nd birthday at the end of December and it’s going to be a joyous celebration of an amazing life!
Please take the time to leave Al a comment here on the blog and let him know how much you enjoyed reading his story. I hope to have him as a guest poster in the future as he continues on this amazing journey called life.
If you would like to read some books about a whole food plant based diet Al and I highly recommend the following. Consider giving some of these to your family and friends for Christmas – they contain life saving information.
Happy Healthy Holidays Everyone!
A Little Nutmeg Nugget: When I started this blog in January of 2010 I followed what I understood to be a healthy version of the standard American diet, ironically also known as the “SAD” diet. As interest in my own health and how it was affected by the food I ate evolved, I transitioned to a whole food plant based diet also known as “WFPB” diet. I have wrestled with the fact that this blog still contains all those posts and recipes from the SAD way of eating I have left behind. I no longer advocate for anyone to eat that way. At this time I am leaving those recipes and posts here. It is a record of my journey and how I came to follow a WFPB way of eating. It is my hope that those who still come here for those old recipes will be curious about what I am doing now. Perhaps they will dip their toes across the line as I did and try some plant based recipes and learn more about the health benefits.
Wow, AL, What a good part two. I really enjoyed this and it answers a lot of questions a beginner to whole food plant based eating might have. I will be sure and share with my friends.
Jay Peirce
OK Al, you are the man! Time for me to think twice about that bacon cheeseburger.- J
They say you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Well, it looks like you have consumed the whole trough. Congratulations on a difficult achievement, hard to do when you feel alone and unsupported. So proud of the changes you have made for yourself.
Laura Klumb
Al your words are wonderfully written, like a great novel you just do not want to put down. “It is not how long I live, but how well I live” is powerful stuff. I no longer suffer with Fibromyalgia pain, chronic headaches and migraines, severe depression, among other things. I am now ‘living’ life like I never have before! I hope you continue to spread the word. We Wellness Warriors ARE superheroes that can save lives by our example!! I am so glad Tami met you so that I have met you vicariously through her. Carry on Brother!!
Thank you for such a positive article! Al’s idea of checking local Meet Up groups is perfect, his “I have attempted to find the most interesting people that I could” really is inspiring. I’ve been trying to eat WFPB since May, 2017 and I enjoy your writing style and content; I’m looking forward to catching up on previous blogs. Thanks again, and I just subscribed to your YouTube channel. Don’t know how I missed it all these months!
Terry Brown
Happy Birthday Al!!! You’ve inspired me to be a hero. I have gone on & off WFPB for @ 4 years, but I feel now is the time to go all the way. I am ready “to drink.” Thank you!
This has truly been a wonderfully inspiring read. I read it to my husband as he has high blood pressure problems, hopefully this will inspire him. I am WFPB, but he likes a bit of seafood when we go out, I know it’s a set back, he really relies on me doing right by him, well I think he needs to take more responsibility for himself. Yes I do the meals and I do mostly right, wine is my down fall, lol. But I have no real health issues, except for being 80 kilos, I have lost 20 kilos over the last 3 yrs and I’m 67. My aim is like Al’s live well and happy into ageing. Once again thank you for the inspiring blog post and all your blog as well. Cheers, Claudia.
Hi Tami and Al. I loved this Part 2 even more. Your reflections on friendships after changing to this way of life are very pertinent. I feel sad whenever Im with my old friends and see them struggling with health issues , more so as we are now in our 60’s. Like you I find the company of those eating this way hopeful and inspiring and I come away from plant based meetings here in Melbourne, Australia, feeling positive and happy having shared their challenges and successes. How fortunate we are to have these great communities around us in real life and in virtual life too. Thankyou so much for sharing your story
Al Schmidt
Words fail me. I can not describe how wonderful these two post that are. You took the mishmash, disorganized, word salad that I had written and made the most wonderful narrative. You do such a great job of editing and speaking in my voice I am blessed to have met you.
You had the message I was just the messenger! We make a good time in getting the story out there. I too feel blessed to have met you and Dottie. I look forward to many years of friendship and good times.
Thank you Tami and Al. This Christmas gift came at just the right time. I am scheduled for a CT angiogram on Wednesday and I’m scared. The cardiologist says that my symptoms are all sub clinical…in other words…numbers are good, weight is good (although my goal is to lose 20 lbs.), no angina, and no discomfort. Yet during a routine annual check-up my EKG came back abnormal and they had to stop the treadmill stress test at Level 2 of four levels. Regardless of the outcome, I know that WFPB is my continued path. I am 100% processed oil free and 90% oil free in terms of nuts. Both your stories and continued strength and enthusiasm have helped me feel so much better. Thank you again. Sandy from Alberta, Canada
You were an inspiration from the first day we met you at the McDougall Program. We didn’t need to wait 10 days to see results since you were a living testimony. We have been following the program and I’m down to my goal weight and my wife continues to feel better.
Have a healthy and Merry Christmas
jeannie norton
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Loved the Part 2! As a registered nurse(worked with patients after heart surgery…) and a person who has also begun to heal with this WFPB diet, I relate in so many ways to your story. My family and close friends also seriously think I have gone off the deep end. I, like you, learned pretty quickly to keep my “propaganda” to myself until someone asks. I am over a year into this and still no one has asked. haha. Thank you for sharing how you are thriving on this diet. It truly brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart. I needed a reminder today as to why I am doing this. It looks like I will have to go to the meet up someday in Sacramento to meet some other likeminded people like yourself. Have a wonderful holiday.
Alvin Murashige
Hi Al, this is the other Al from the 10 day McDougall program. Remember the guy who picked your favorite boxed end wrench to talk about and became “Chef Al” when I helped Jeff Novick do one of his cooking demos? I am impressed by the extent of your struggles with your health before changing your diet. I just knew you as the healthy 81 year old that looked in better shape than my 73 year old body. Thanks for sharing your long struggle to save your own life. It will inspire many others that they can do the same with their health.
Al Schmidt
Al, of course I remember you. I mean how bad a shape would I have to be in for me not to remember my namesake. Good to hear from you.
Sharon McRae
This was another amazing installment by Al….what a journey! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiration. You are truly walking proof that it is possible to age in reverse! Congratulations on reclaiming your health and finding a happier, more vibrant way to enjoy your eighties! And Happy Birthday!
Kristy Thompson
This is truly the most inspiring story I have read in a long time! I have had a heart problem since birth and know how scary it is to have chest pain and not be able to breathe. I also know how it feels to follow this journey alone and be the outcast in the family. We all follow this path to live a long, healthy life and you are such an inspiration that we can change our fate at any age! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you and Dottie have a wonderful holiday! Thank you Tami for this wonderful Christmas gift!
Steve K
When I read Al’s intro on a local meetup – “I have been on a WFPBD since 07/2016. I was a cardiac cripple. Could not walk 20 ft w/o pain. In 4 weeks I could walk 2 mi. In 2 months cholesterol dropped 195 to 147. Weight dropped 180 to 150 = 21 BMI. Continued to see measurable improvements since” – I knew I had to meet this guy.
I had the luck to be seated next to him at a different meetup and be his partner for the class exercises. Real genuine guy. He doesn’t think he is an inspiration but he is.
He shared this blog with me and I like the description of What is a WFPBD – simple 7 bullet points. I didn’t know about the nuts and avocados.
There is a lot of information out there but I’d rather hear from someone who has lived it.
Thanks for sharing your story Al. You may have helped change many more lives than you realize.
Hi Tami and Al,
Thank you so much for Part 2 of your story. I have forwarded it to family members who will get inspiration from your journey. You are my inspiration and I’m so happy to call you both my friends. Here’s to many many more Wednesday Walks!!
Marcy Clark
Hi Tami, Thank you for introducing us to Al and Al, thank you for sharing your story! You both are very inspiring and I have shared on FB in the hopes that my family and friends can gain the knowledge too so they can live long, healthy lives. My favorite quote: Hippocrates — ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’?
Judy Fowler
Really enjoyed Al’s 2 part story. So many people I know that are 80 or so say I can’t change now I am too old, no point now. You proved you are never too old as long as you are still breathing. I admire your courage and determination. I am working to get where you are with the diet which is close but not there yet. Reading your story will help me today. Tomorrow I will work on it again. Thank you Al your story is reaching more hearts than you can imagine.
Your response is exactly why I wanted to share his story! You can change – everyone can!
Kip Baumann
Hi Tami,
I finally got around to reading Al’s amazing story – both part 1 and 2!
Near the top of part 2, you mention the following incorrect rule of a WFPB diet:
You cannot eat nuts or avocados.
I suspect you meant to say that you CAN eat nuts and avocados (and seeds) which are the primary healthy sources of fat in a WFPBD. Of course those with heart disease would not want to eat too much fat of any kind.
Al, it was a pleasure meeting you at the same SVS Meetup in November and look forward to seeing you there again! Thanks for sharing your amazing journey here which I am also sharing to inspire others!
Hi Kip! Thank you for leaving a comment. The description of a whole food plant based diet that Al gave is what he had to do to reverse his heart disease. That is what Al did and does on the advice of Dr Esselsytn who is the expert on following a heart healthy WFPBD. I also follow that dietary advice as I have issues with my body producing too much LDL cholesterol and Dr Barnard advises staying away from the higher fat yet healthy plant foods if you want to lose weight. Us plant eaters have more in common than we do differences with slight variances depending on what our health goals are.
Hope to meet you at an upcoming event.
Al Schmidt
As Tami said I went on the Whole Food Plant Based Diet to reverse my advanced heart Disease. Dr. Esselstyn’s book literally saved my life. It is my bible and I follow it to the letter. My diet is much more restrictive than one would need to prevent and maintain their health. Truth be told, I do not see any downside to my diet. Bottom line is that it worked for me, and is still working.
I have just finished reading nutmegnotebook a found in to be amazing ? as well as informative. I have to think ? that my circumstances would be found amongst the contributors. I am 78 and am, due to circumstances within my control but financially in dire circumstances I live with good friends, also in their 70s, whose diet habits are outside the norm. She is asthmatic and he is diabetic taking insulin and their eating habits are not good, IMO. Because of the aforementioned being able to enter into a totally different diet plan would be untenable. In the hope that my circumstances change for the better what could you suggest I do that could get me on the path to better health without upsetting my friends? Thanking you in advance for any advice you may share. PS: I haven’t had a drink ? in over 40 years or smoked in 38 years.
I think you explain to your friends why you need to eat this way so they understand why you are making a change.You could have them watch the Forks Over Knives video on Netflix and they would soon see why this way of eating would be good for them as well. There are plenty of You Tube videos to watch with them on your computer. Look up Dr Barnard – he is an expert on Diabetes and has videos that you could watch with them and they would see how a plant based diet could benefit them as well as you. Watch Dr Doug Lisle You Tube videos on how to get along without going along – to help you in your circumstances. Good luck to you.
Tami, I heard you mention in the radio broadcast with Al that you take Amla powder. How much do you take and exactly how? Sprinkled on a salad?
BTW I loved the interview on the radio. I have listened to it twice and will be sending the link to my uncle who has had cardiac bypass surgery.
Many thanks for your reply.
Thank you for your kind comments. I am so glad you enjoyed the radio interview. I love Al’s story and I hope your uncle will find it inspiring. I use 1/2 teaspoon in hot hibiscus tea. Al puts it in his hot oatmeal. It is quite sour – so you really have to mask it – I wouldn’t put it on a salad – too sour! There are Amla supplements – I just ordered some. You can see what I ordered on my Amazon Affiliate recommendation page. Here is a link to a lot of good information about Amla.
So in 2013 I quit seeing my medical doctor. I showed him the book “The Starch Solution” after he tripple checked my blood pressure and asked about the liseneprol and if the dosage was changed. 126/71 was too low on the medication he said. That was without any medication I told him. So that was the last hassle with a medical doctor. No more medical exams, colomoscopys, blood work, peeing in a cup, and sitting next to sick people in doctors waiting rooms. No problem walking, lugging 80 pound bags of cement, or any type of yard work. With over six decades of experience under my belt, I will continue living with copious amounts of sweet potatoes, rice, beans, and bushels of collard greens.