Good Morning everyone – are you excited to know who won the Chef AJ South of the Border Party – Best of AJ? I want to thank everyone who participated and those who shared the give-a-way on their facebook pages to help spread the word about the cooking webinar. Today I want to share with you my experience following Chef AJ’s Ultimate Weight Loss Program. Of course you can scroll down to the bottom first and see if you won!
When I signed up in February of 2015 I was hopeful that I could lose weight on Chef AJ’s Ultimate Weight Loss Plan but part of me was afraid that it wasn’t going to work. I was at that time considering getting rid of my smaller clothes that no longer fit. Everyday when I stepped into my closet and saw those clothes it was a reminder of the weight I had gained. I am so happy that I didn’t give up hope and that I didn’t get rid of my smaller clothes.
One of the steps in the Ultimate Weight Loss Program is to make a vision board. The picture of myself on my vision was board was taken in 2010 and I loved how I looked and felt when it was taken. My goal was to get back into those same size 4 capri pants and the size small top that had been hanging out in my closet for years. I looked at that photo on my vision board every day as it was placed prominently on the fridge. I made two copies of the vision board so I could put one in my walk in closet and a small one in my purse. After seeing it so much I actually started to believe that I would get there. These vision boards work! Imagine my delight when these clothes fit again! I am still somewhat in shock that I achieved this goal. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I have to take a second look to make sure it really is me.
I recreated the photo of myself in those size 4 capri pants and the size small top. I actually think I look better in those clothes now!
Eating a nutrient rich, low calorie density whole food plant based diet is my way of living and I wouldn’t trade the way I feel now for any of the foods I use to eat. I had no idea that weight loss and not having cravings could be so easy to achieve. Even though I have hypothyroidism I have still managed to lose weight on this program when all other things I tried failed. We don’t focus on the weight or the scale on the UWL program. Instead our focus is on eating healthy and developing good habits in our daily life. Weight loss is a by product of your habits.
When you eliminate processed foods from your diet the cravings and desire for those foods goes away. Your brain chemistry changes and you are able to enjoy a diet of natural whole foods. Foods in their natural state are bursting with flavor! I try to stay as compliant to the UWL program as I can without making myself crazy. I prefer to eat most of my meals at home but we do eat out sometimes and I know that those meals sometimes have a higher sodium level and may have traces of oil but I choose the low calorie density foods and those meals don’t seem to be a trigger for me. I still have some emotional eating that happens from time to time but recognize it for what it is. Now instead of high calories foods its always an extra serving of fruit or veggies. Eventually with what I am learning from books and on line support I hope to put an end to that as well.
After a long recovery from major surgery earlier this year and a 6 month on going sciatic nerve flare up I am working on getting my fitness level back to where it was prior to surgery. When the sciatic nerve cooperates I will work on firming up my muscles. I have some fat still lurking but I am sure exercise and weight resistance work outs along with the healthy UWL food guidelines will take care of that in time.
I am beyond happy with my results from this program. I am back into all the clothes I almost discarded and I am adding to my smaller size wardrobe. Shopping for clothes is a joy when you like how you look!
I was not asked by Chef AJ to say anything about her Ultimate Weight Loss Plan but I am so thrilled with my results that I wanted to share about it with my readers. After spending a lifetime being a yo-yo dieter I have finally found a program that works. It has transformed my life! Hubby Tom eats the same foods as I do but he does include some higher fat plant based foods as he needs the calories. We love the way we eat!
The Winner of the South of the Border Party – Best of AJ Cooking Webinar is Kim Simpkins! Congratulations Kim – I will be giving your email to Chef AJ and you will get an email back with instructions on how to access the webinar. Enjoy the recipes!
You can still sign up to watch the South of the Border Party – Best of AJ Cooking Webinar and get all the recipes so you can have your own healthy whole food plant based party at home for just $14.97! It will air on June 21 but if you can’t watch it live you will have access to watch it later.
To your health,
A Little Nutmeg Nugget: When I started this blog in January of 2010 I followed what I understood to be a healthy version of the standard American diet, ironically also known as the “SAD” diet. As interest in my own health and how it was affected by the food I ate evolved, I transitioned to a whole food plant based diet also known as “WFPB” diet. I have wrestled with the fact that this blog still contains all those posts and recipes from the SAD way of eating I have left behind. I no longer advocate for anyone to eat that way. At this time I am leaving those recipes and posts here. It is a record of my journey and how I came to follow a WFPB way of eating. It is my hope that those who still come here for those old recipes will be curious about what I am doing now. Perhaps they will dip their toes across the line as I did and try some plant based recipes and learn more about the health benefits.
Tami you look amazing!! Whoot whoot!!
Thank you!
Dear Tami,
You have been an inspiration to me since I started and you are even more today. it has been a complete pleasure going through all of these UWL months with you and you now have become such pleasure to us as our friend. I love Nutmeg Notebook! It makes me even want to do more, if that is possible. Everything you post inspires!!! love you and Tom
Thank you Dana – you are so kind and sweet. I too am glad that we get to be friends and spend time together. The blog is a labor of love! Are you going to make it to the pot luck at my house on July 2nd?
Hi Tami,
I really like what you’ve written. I too have a closet with many smaller sized clothes that no longer fit and was thinking about getting rid of them. I have not been consistent enough with UWL to achieve results but I haven’t given up. Your blog is inspirational and helpful. I’m so happy for you for achieving health and goals.
Danielle, Don’t get rid of those clothes! I was seriously ready to purge my closet of the smaller clothes until I joined UWL as one last time of trying to lose weight.The plan works if you work the plan. Take it a day at a time – keep your goal in mind and focus on that instead of what you want in the moment. I never regret something I choose not to eat! You can do lose weight, feel healthy and be craving free. The longer you stay compliant the easier it is to stay compliant. Let me know if I can help you. Hugs, Tami